Town Of Petersburgh
Friends of Petersburgh History

Friends of Petersburgh History


to the Meetings of the

Friends of Petersburgh History


When: Second Wednesday of the Month at 4:00 PM

Where: Downstairs Room of the Petersburgh Public Library


Dear Petersburgh Residents:

You may have heard that a group of Petersburgh residents is interested in supporting any ongoing and future efforts to keep Petersburgh’s rich history alive and is reaching out to those local residents and organizations that share this interest and would like to become involved.


This involvement could be quite varied and could consist of ways to preserve and honor:


• The history of the families that lived here (and, in some cases, still live here) and were buried in the many cemeteries around town, the land they tilled, the buildings they lived in and the furniture, tools and household items they used;


• The history of the local veterans, who served in the Civil War or numerous wars overseas; and


• The history of our local Ambulance Squad and Fire Department with their proud traditions of serving this community in its hours of need.


All of us have something to contribute to this effort. No contribution will be too small or considered unimportant. It could just consist of scanning and printing photographs and documents, as well as preparing them for permanent storage or installing and arranging display cases.


This group, also referred to as the Friends of Petersburgh History, meets every second Wednesday of the month at 4PM in the downstairs room of the Public Library and the meeting is open to the public. Please come and let us know what you think is important and how you would like to be involved!


Sincerely, Friends of Petersburgh History


For further information, please contact Friends of Petersburgh History at

“What the Stones Don’t Tell Us"

New Video Addition to the Friends of Petersburgh History video playlist:


A brand new video features the saga of Kate Knights and her heroic life at the end of Petersburgh’s Hill Hollow and her attachment to the land and its preservation, followed by her untimely death. Based on an essay by her partner journalist/historian Peter McLaughlin “What the Stones Don’t Tell Us,", this is a poignant reflection on the struggles to preserve large tracts of beautiful land in the face of destructive develop pressures in Petersburgh.
Friends of Petersburgh History Youtube Playlist

This Friends of Petersburgh History Youtube Playlist also contains several exceptional interviews and more polished artistic historical ventures. It includes “Forgotten Shadows,” a unique audio event that was performed in the Petersburgh Veterans Memorial Hall in October 1994, “Peter’s People,” featuring 10 various Petersburgh artists creating in the early 2000s, and other prominent features of the Playlist such as two conversations between Petersburgh Town Historians; Hilda Allen and Peter Schaaphok. The direct link to this playlist is:

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