Regular meetings are on the last Monday of each month at:
6:30 pm
Petersburgh Town Hall
Meeting Room
65 Main St.
Petersburgh, NY 12138
(518) 419-6364
When there is no business before the Planning Board the Chairperson may cancel a regular monthly meeting. Please call to verify.
The Planning Board is responsible for the orderly, efficient and economic development of the town in keeping with the rural character of the community. This means, among other things, that land subject to subdivision and site plan review shall be of such character that it can be used safely for development as proposed without danger to health, or peril from fire, flood, or other menace and with due consideration for community harmony.
The Planning Board is the controlling authority for subdivision and site plan review proceedings and approvals. Planning Board approval is required for plans of subdivisions of land and site plan reviews.
The Code Enforcement Officer is the controlling authority for overseeing compliance of subdivision improvements and site plan improvements.
Dividing land into one or more parcels requires review by the Planning Board in accordance with the law set forth within the Town Subdivision Regulations.
Whenever any subdivision or re-subdivision of land is proposed and before any contract or any offer to sell lots in such subdivision or part thereof is made and before any permit for the erection of a structure or installation of other improvements in such proposed subdivision shall be granted, the landowner or duly authorized agent shall apply in writing for approval of such proposed subdivision in accordance with Article III of the Town Subdivision Regulations.
Site Plan Review
Site Plan Review laws apply to all parcels of land within the town limits. All deeded properties and owners are covered by the law. When a property owner wants to make a change to the present conditions of the land, buildings, purpose of use, or other conditions visible or not visible the owner must consult with the appropriate town official to ensure compliance with the law.
Site Plan Review Application
Other Local Laws Requiring Planning Board Review
Local Law 5 of 2015 - Regulations for the Siting of Manufactured Homes, Micro Homes and Recreational Vehicles for Residential Purposes Local Law 2 of 2000 - Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Siting Law
Forms and Documents
SEQR Short Environmental Assessment Form (SEAF)*
SEQR Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF)*
Street Standards and Specifications
Petersburgh Flood Risk Map with TAX ID's
Copies of regulations, fees, and forms are available from the Town Clerk.
*All applications that require a SEQR must submit an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) completed by the applicant or applicant's agent.